But why print merchandising using Print On Demand in the Czech Republic or Germany when there are such nice and pleasant French artisans who do it just as well, or even better??!!

Because we are ugly capitalists. No, actually, that's not it. We have great success at MaAuLa. Personally, I have been in the independent music industry since the early 2000s, I set up another label before MaAuLa and I have had many groups. There has always been this thing of the t-shirt or group clothing that you like and that you want to wear and that you therefore have printed when you are a musician or a label. I went through all the options. DIY with homemade screen printing, printing in large quantities so that it doesn't cost too much, beautiful local screen printing that is expensive but which you are proud of etc... etc...

Concretely none of these models is really interesting.
DIY: we no longer have time to do that.
Printing in large quantities: how many labels or groups have found themselves with astronomical stocks of unsold items of which we can no longer even make rags because there are so many?
Local screen printing: Same stock problem and what's more, who is going to buy a t-shirt, which is not local, for €30 just because it was screen printed nearby? Yes I know you exist, but there are not many of you.

No, the miracle solution, ecological, economical, ethical, does not really exist. We don't sell a lot of t-shirts but we still get asked for them, so we like the idea of ​​offering them, but there is also the problem of sizes which is a big problem for these stock issues. We would like to sew them ourselves by hand, but hey... let's be realistic.

So there you have it, printing on demand is not the miracle solution available to us, but at least we don't have 150 unsaleable t-shirts in stock, it doesn't pass through us, it doesn't There is only one transport: it is shipped directly by La Poste from the factory.
And if one day we notice that there is a crazy request for a t-shirt, we promise we will do a beautiful screen printing with our friends at the La Piraterie workshop.

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